Female football week is fast approaching, culminating in female football Friday – please see here for more info, there is an event for everyone:
- Female Coach Workshop
- Girls SAP in the Community
- Women’s Skill Training + Tiger Cubs Come and Try Day
- Women’s Premier League + Tigers Joint Session
- Girls U6/U7 Come and Try Day
This year you will need to register your interest in most of the events to ensure we can all be COVIDSafe.
Registration is here: https://nsfa.asn.au/female-football/female-football-week-2020/
We would love to see the TUFC colours flying high during the week.
Please also remember to send us your photos/stories about being involved in the female side of the game so we can proudly display our players, coaches, managers, volunteers during this fantastic week.
All the details are at
TUFC Committee